April 12, 2012

Here's to my notebook

Here's to my notebook
Unimportant it seems
But it's where all of my thoughts
Are held together at the seams
There are memories of smiles
And pages with tear stains
There are doodles in margins
Quotes, lyrics, and refrains
Never titled dear diary
No greeting whatsoever
Just ramblings and stories
That will stay there forever
You'd find inklings of sadness
A few traces of wit
It's where mismatched puzzle pieces
Come together and fit
To some people it's gibberish
Making little to no sense
But I understand all of it
This poem, hence
Talks of dreams and of failures
Descriptions of him
Sometimes random, sometimes sloppy
Far from proper or prim
More than just pages
It's my dear, silent friend
That listens to my laughter
And helps me comprehend
So here's to my notebook
A novel still being written
Who needs a boy?
I've got you, and I'm smitten.

p.s. sorry for just up and disappearing for a week.  spring break was much needed, but it feels good to get back in the swing of things. 

in other news, i participated in one day without shoes on tuesday.  read my friend katie's post on it here. :)


  1. Ooh I love this. :) Did you write that poem?

    &you did one day without shoes!? you're such a cool kat! I heard about it and I was planning on doing it but.. i guess i missed it. lol. :3

    i'm writing your letter right now. get excited.

    1. yup! that poem is by yours truly.

      and WOOOOOO! <---- that's me getting excited. ;)

  2. Wow.wow.wow. I am overly obsessed with your poem. I mean, seriously. That is amazing, yet so true!!I LOVE it. Gorgeous. :))) I would follow you but I didn't see a follow button, and my computer hasn't let me follow any blogs lately. hmm. You are now on my bookmarks. :))) Lovely m'dear!! :))

  3. Love it! From the poem to the thoughts. I should write a diary at some point.
    =^..^= Hunteress =^..^=

  4. your poems are one of the best parts about blogger. i wish i wrote them.;) but as i didn't, i'm proud to call the writer my friend.

    i love your sidebar. that verse you call your life verse, i discovered it yesterday for the first time in Zach Hunter's book, Be the Change. and you know i haven't been around so much lately but I remember a post you wrote not so long about realizing what you gotta do in this life and i just got to say, anna...

    that is awesome.
    you heard God and you're answerin' Him.
    it's the awesomest thing there ever is.
    that's why we live life and you're livin' it.

    1. em, you're the best. seriously. your comments never fail to make me smile. (:

  5. This poem is amazing! I absolutely love it! :) I hope you wrote it in your journal!


hey! thanks for leaving me a comment. you're rad.