June 29, 2012

live it

Well.  I suppose I owe ya'll an explanation.  And here it is.

I am growing up.

I got my license.

I got a job.

And I just don't have the time for blogging.

I knew it'd happen one day, I just wasn't sure when or how.  But this is it.  And I must bid you farewell.  Blogger has taught me a lot and I've loved being able to write my heart out and interact with you guys.  But you can only live in a virtual world for so long.  It's time for me to embark on my journey, to follow the path that He's laid out for me.

So many people blog about their lives.  About those every day moments held close to their heart.  But I don't want to blog about life.  I want to live it.



  1. I hope you embrace your new journey with hope,joy and peace.

  2. You shall be missed greatly, Anna. From sisters in the savior to fanatical, you've inspired me :)

  3. I'm sad to see you go, I've so enjoyed everything you've written here. But I understand where you're coming from and I wish you all the best, God bless you!

  4. Just want to tell you that you'll be missed! Hope your days are filled with great joy from the Lord and happiness!

    In Christ

  5. I'll miss your posts, Anna. I understand completely, though. It's a great pointe.

    God Bless,

  6. i'll miss you, mate.
    your aussie bud,

  7. I'm going to really really miss you Anna! I want you to know that I've loved reading your blog and it inspired me! :) Congratulations on getting your license and a job! I wish you the best in your life as you continue to pass more exciting milestones. I know God will use you to do great things like maybe be that missionary you felt He was calling you to become! Anyways, bye for now! :D

  8. I admire you more than you'd ever know. I agree, go live it. I'm going to miss your posts...I'm going to miss you. You really encouraged me but I understand.

    Have fun. Live it loud for Jesus!


hey! thanks for leaving me a comment. you're rad.