March 19, 2012


"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right." --Song of Solomon 8:4 [NLT]

Beautiful words that hold truth beyond measure.  "Don't awaken love before it's time."  Simple enough, right?  Simple, it is.  But it's also hard.  Not in the way some of us may think, though.

As a Christian girl, I haven't had much experience with the whole dating thing.  Actually, I haven't had any.  I've never been kissed, never held hands... I don't think I've even been truly alone with a boy (minus my Dad, haha!).  So most people would find me pretty much clueless.  But when it comes to waiting, I'm the expert.

I turned sixteen this past October, and when I did, the privelege of dating came with it.  Obviously I didn't run to find a boyfriend, and there (obviously) wasn't a line of anxious guys lined up at my front door.  But I still found my attention gravitating towards the male species.  I wondered what they thought of me, if they talked about me, if any of them liked me.  It was an ongoing thought, seemingly never ending.

But when God said, "Hey, how 'bout Kenya and teaching kids?" He added, "... and focus on that for a while."  Translation: Drop the boy thing, it's ridiculous.  Then when I read the verse above, I realized I was trying to awaken love before it's time.  Not as vigorously as some girls, but I was.  As much as I didn't want to admit it to myself, I wanted a guy to notice me.  And though some have (and still do), I shouldn't have picked my brain to pieces trying to figure out whether he might be My Guy.  God's got a plan.  And when the time is right, He'll show me My Guy.

Though many chick flicks are simply unrealistic, there's one line that perked my ears.  And surprisingly, I don't think it's a bunch of smooth-talking.  I think it reflects what love is supposed to be like.

"Jamie... she has faith in me.  She makes me wanna be different.  Better." --Landon, A Walk to Remember

Love-- true love-- will make you, well, like he said.  Better.  You'll uplift them and they'll uplift you.  Everyone will know it's right, because it is.  Sure, no relationship is perfect and everyone has bumps in the road.  But overall, both of you will shine brighter individually.  And together in Christ, you'll be genuinely reflecting true Love.

Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.


  1. Dude. I needed this, so thanks!

  2. Love this post and the verse you put at the top. Wven if we girls arent going around locking lips with guys, we may be emotionally "awakening love" an focusing more on guys than God...which is never good.

    Thanks for this post:)!

  3. Thanks for this post! I needed it!!! You always have great posts!

    In Christ

  4. the first sentence of that verse has been resonating with me lately: "Love is PATIENT, love is kind."
    Obviously I need to work on the patience part....and I think you've been helping me with that :)

    your Guy will still be there after Kenya, or maybe he'll be there with you/us! Just make sure you wait for the true love; that love that will make you BETTER in Christ
    love you, sis <3

  5. Love this Anna, have I told you yet that your writing is powerful? Well it IS, don't ever stop.


hey! thanks for leaving me a comment. you're rad.